1. You're not consistent! You won't be able to grow within a community if you don't actively put in effort to present yourself. Start with the basics of showing up, offering value, and connecting. 2. You suffer from an overdose of Shiny Object Syndrome! You're focusing on the wrong actions. You'll get burnt out easily if you become distracted by testing new platforms and the actions of influencers. Figure out what elements will help you execute your business rather than trying to get on the newest platform coming out. 3. You don't have a strategy and a plan! You will waste your time if you don't focus on your marketing funnel and the call to action. What is your goal? How will you utilize live video to achieve it? About ZZTV's #AskZefZZTV's #AskZef opens up the conversation to you! Zef Zan hosts episodes featuring Q + A sessions on live videos, live streaming, content and social media marketing, and virtual management. Learn more about this broadcast here.
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